Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: of Faecal microbiota characterisation of horses using 16 rdna barcoded pyrosequencing, and carriage rate of clostridium difficile at hospital admission

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-09-16, 05:00 authored by Cristina Rodriguez, Bernard Taminiau, Bastien Brévers, Véronique Avesani, Johan Van Broeck, Aurélia Leroux, Marjorie Gallot, Antoine Bruwier, Hélene Amory, Michel Delmée, Georges Daube
Clinical history comparison between C. difficile colonised and non-colonised horses. aAntimicrobial treatment of two or more antibiotics. bIncluding single or combined antimicrobial therapy (DOCX 63 kb)
