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Additional file 4 of Carriage of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in a high-density informal settlement in Kenya is associated with environmental risk-factors

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-23, 04:32 authored by Sylvia Omulo, Eric T. Lofgren, Svetlana Lockwood, Samuel M. Thumbi, Godfrey Bigogo, Alice Ouma, Jennifer R. Verani, Bonventure Juma, M. Kariuki Njenga, Samuel Kariuki, Terry F. McElwain, Guy H. Palmer, Douglas R. Call
Additional file 4. Multivariable regression analysis for antimicrobial resistance load (Log10 CFU) at the household level. Only variables with P < 0·2 in the univariable mixed-effects model were included in the multivariable model. Regression estimates (β) and 95% confidence intervals with P < 0·05 are shown in bold. P = 0·00 indicates P < 0·01.
