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Additional file 4 of Baseline malaria prevalence and care-seeking behaviours in rural Madagascar prior to a trial to expand malaria community case management to all ages

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-27, 03:30 authored by Dean Sayre, Laura C. Steinhardt, Judickaelle Irinantenaina, Catherine Dentinger, Tsinjo Fehizoro Rasoanaivo, Laurent Kapesa, Jocelyn Razafindrakoto, Agathe Legrand, Nicole Prada, Julie Gutman, Lauren Lewis, Reziky Tiandraza Mangahasimbola, Mauricette Andriamananjara, Aimée Vololoniala Ravaoarinosy, Nicolas Ralemary, Andres Garchitorena, Aina Harimanana
Additional file 4: Figure S3. Sankey plot of care-seeking behaviour among individuals experiencing febrile illness within two weeks prior to survey and diagnostic malaria testing at each provider. Depicted are bar charts of number of individuals who experienced a febrile illness within the two weeks prior to survey categorized by membership in different groups of (from left to right) age class, location of health care services sought, and malaria testing status. Shaded areas between bar charts represent flow of individuals from one category to another, with size of the shaded area proportional to number of individuals. Color of shading between bars correlates to an individual’s age throughout the figure. ‘Other’ category includes: self-medication (n = 8), private health facility (n = 4), marketplace (n = 2), and pharmacy (n = 1).


U.S. President's Malaria Initiative
