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Additional file 4 of Adverse childhood experiences and substance misuse in young people in India: results from the multisite cVEDA cohort

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-23, 03:26 authored by G. S. Fernandes, A. Spiers, N. Vaidya, Y. Zhang, E. Sharma, B. Holla, J. Heron, M. Hickman, P. Murthy, A. Chakrabarti, D. Basu, B. N. Subodh, L. Singh, R. Singh, K. Kalyanram, K. Kartik, K. Kumaran, G. Krishnaveni, R. Kuriyan, S. Kurpad, G. J. Barker, R. D. Bharath, S. Desrivieres, M. Purushottam, D. P. Orfanos, M. B. Toledano, G. Schumann, V. Benegal
Additional file 4: Appendix 4. Unadjusted and adjusted effect sizes and heterogeneity measures for ACE levels and tobacco, alcohol, cannabis outcomes in adolescents and young adults.
