Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: of [18F]tetrafluoroborate as a PET tracer for the sodium/iodide symporter: the importance of specific activity

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-04-22, 05:00 authored by Alex Khoshnevisan, Maite Jauregui-Osoro, Karen Shaw, Julia Torres, Jennifer Young, Nisha Ramakrishnan, Alex Jackson, Gareth Smith, Antony Gee, Philip Blower
%ID/g for the thyroid (upper), salivary glands (centre) and stomach (lower) in BALB/c mice estimated by ex vivo biodistribution (open circles) and PET ROI analysis (filled squares) at varying doses of 18/19F-BF4 −. (PDF 15.7 KB).


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
