Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Characterisation of the global transcriptional response to heat shock and the impact of individual genetic variation

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-08-24, 05:00 authored by Peter Humburg, Narelle Maugeri, Wanseon Lee, Bert Mohr, Julian Knight
Network analysis of HSF1 and relationship with observed differentially expressed genes in heat shock response. We constructed a network between HSF1 and observed differentially expressed genes following heat shock (1.2 FC, FDR <0.01) in LCLs using IPA, with lines denoting the shortest path between HSF1 and a particular molecule or the shortest path plus one molecule. Radial layout with the names of molecules showing multiple (nodal) relationships highlighted. Other individual molecules also shown. (PDF 546 kb)


Wellcome Trust
