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Additional file 3: of The impact of a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign on routine primary health service provision and health workers in Tanzania: a controlled before and after study

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-03-12, 05:00 authored by Katherine Gallagher, Tusajigwe Erio, Kathy Baisley, Shelley Lees, Deborah Watson-Jones
Figure S1. Ratios, and 95% confidence intervals, of mean counts of the four activity indicators during dose 2 delivery, comparing the weeks before and after the vaccine campaign with week 5 (HPV vaccine campaign week), or the equivalent time periods in control facilities. Ratios, and 95% confidence intervals, of mean counts of the four activity indicators during dose 2 delivery, comparing the weeks before and after the vaccine campaign with week 5 (HPV vaccine campaign week), or the equivalent time periods in control facilities estimated by the negative binomial regression model adjusted for district, facility type (dispensary or health centre), catchment population, total clinical staff per 1000 catchment population per facility, timing of other campaigns. OPD: outpatient care consultations for children under 5 years; ANC: antenatal care consultations; EPI: routine immunisation consultations; FP: family planning consultations. (PDF 544 kb)


The Chadwick Trust
