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Additional file 3 of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 enolase interaction with host brain microvascular endothelial cells and RPSA-induced apoptosis lead to loss of BBB integrity

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-23, 05:14 authored by Hongtao Liu, Siyu Lei, Li Jia, Xiaojing Xia, Yingying Sun, Hexiang Jiang, Rining Zhu, Shuguang Li, Guanggang Qu, Jingmin Gu, Changjiang Sun, Xin Feng, Wenyu Han, Paul R. Langford, Liancheng Lei
Increased HSPD1 secretion induced by Eno promote PBMEC apoptosis. A Eno promote secretion ofHSPD1. B RPSA mediate Eno induced Increased HSPD1 secretion by RNAi assay. C and D Flow cytometry was used for extracellular increased HSPD1 promote PBMEC apoptosis. AntiControl, isotype rabbit IgG with Eno antibody/HSPD1 antibody; antiE, Eno antibody; antiH, HSPD1 antibody; Remove sup, culture supernatant were removed at 12 h post treated by Eno.


National Key R&D Program of China Biotechnlogy and Biological Research Sciences Research Council
