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Additional file 3: of Self-illuminating quantum dots for non-invasive bioluminescence imaging of mammalian gametes

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-06-04, 05:00 authored by Jean Feugang, Ramey Youngblood, Jonathan Greene, Scott Willard, Peter Ryan
Figure S3. Laser confocal microscope imaging of labeled cumulus-oocyte complexes and spermatozoa. The black frame regroups cumulus-oocyte complexes labeled with anti-human plasminogen antibody before (B) and after (C) in vitro maturation, while blue frame indicates spermatozoa labeled with the same antibody (E) and counterstained with DAPI for nuclei visualization (F). Micrographs A and D correspond to samples that were incubated without anti-plasminogen and served as negative controls. Arrow and arrow heads indicate the oocyte and the cumulus cells, respectively.
