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Additional file 3 of Genome annotation with long RNA reads reveals new patterns of gene expression and improves single-cell analyses in an ant brain

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-28, 04:16 authored by Emily J. Shields, Masato Sorida, Lihong Sheng, Bogdan Sieriebriennikov, Long Ding, Roberto Bonasio
Additional file 3: Figure S2. More comparisons of alternative splicing in HSAL50 and HSAL51. (A–C) Examples of a transcript with newly identified alternative splicing patterns of (A) mutually exclusive exons, (B) a skipped exon, and (C) an alternative first exon. Boxes indicate regions of the gene that is alternatively spliced. A subset of HSAL51 isoforms is shown. (D) TPM of Ilp2 (LOC105188195) in worker (n = 11) and gamergate (n = 12) brains. Padj is from DESeq2 differential expression analysis. (E) Sashimi plot for the Ilp2 gene (LOC105257206) in Camponotus planatus (RNA-seq from [32]; using Camponotus floridanus genome and annotation) for worker (n = 5) and queen (n = 5) brains. Splice junction line widths are scaled to the number of reads spanning the splice junction and the total number of reads mapped to Ilp2 for each caste. Red boxes indicate positions of first exon for each isoform. (F) Sashimi plot for the Ilp2 gene (LOC106750697) in Dinoponera quadriceps (RNA-seq from [36]) for worker (n = 6) and gamergate (n = 6) brains. Splice junction line widths are scaled to the number of reads spanning the splice junction and the total number of reads mapped to Ilp2 for each caste. Red boxes indicate positions of first exon for the two major isoforms.


National Institute of Mental Health National Institute on Aging


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