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Additional file 3 of Establishment of an in vitro model for analyzing mitochondrial ultrastructure in PRKN-mutated patient iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-25, 08:40 authored by Mutsumi Yokota, Soichiro Kakuta, Takahiro Shiga, Kei-ichi Ishikawa, Hideyuki Okano, Nobutaka Hattori, Wado Akamatsu, Masato Koike
Additional file 3: Figure S2. Flow cytometric analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential in dopaminergic neurons derived from TH-GFP iPSCs. (a) Histograms showed GFP-negative and GFP-positive populations in the TH-GFP iPSC-derived differentiated cells. Data were obtained from three independent experiments. “PRKN” represents PRKN-mutated patient. Values are shown as the mean ± SEM. (b) TMRM-GFP cytograms (top) represented the intensity of TMRM signal in GFP-negative and -positive populations. Mitotracker DeepRed-GFP cytograms (bottom) represented the intensity of Mitotracker DeepRed signal in GFP-positive and -positive populations. “PRKN” represents PRKN-mutated patient. (c) Quantitative analysis of the MFI of TMRM (left), Mitotracker DeepRed (center), and TMRM normalized with Mitotracker DeepRed (right) in GFP-positive cells relative to GFP-negative cells in the control and PRKN-mutated lines. Data were obtained from three independent experiments. “PRKN” represents PRKN-mutated patient. Values are shown as the mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was evaluated using the unpaired two-tailed t-test. *P < 0.05. There was no significant difference in the MFI of Mitotracker between control GFP-positive and -negative cells (control center; P = 0.3502). There were no significant differences in the MFI of TMRM and TMRM/Mitotracker between PRKN-mutated GFP-positive and -negative cells (PRKN left; P = 0.5567, PRKN right; P = 0.1382).


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development Juntendo University


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