Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Epigenome-wide analysis in newborn blood spots from monozygotic twins discordant for cerebral palsy reveals consistent regional differences in DNA methylation

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-02-23, 05:00 authored by Namitha Mohandas, Sebastian Bass-Stringer, Jovana Maksimovic, Kylie Crompton, Yuk Loke, Janet Walstab, Susan Reid, David Amor, Dinah Reddihough, Jeffrey Craig
Heat map of the associations between the six largest principal components and specified covariates. The heat map provides a score of the strength of the association between DNA methylation (using M values) and each covariate, with positive and negative correlations ranging according to the magnitude (red positive, blue negative). The values in brackets for each association represent the p-value of the correlation. Of the six significant (p < 0.05) associations, all are weak (correlation < 0.6). Abbreviations: CP, cerebral palsy; PC, principal component; PIC, person in charge of performing DNA extraction; GA, gestational age; GMFCS, gross motor function classification system; Guthrie age, age in postnatal days when Guthrie card was made. (PDF 53 kb)


Financial Markets Foundation for Children
