Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Development of a test that measures real-time HER2 signaling function in live breast cancer cell lines and primary cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-03-16, 05:00 authored by Yao Huang, David Burns, Benjamin Rich, Ian MacNeil, Abhijit Dandapat, Sajjad Soltani, Samantha Myhre, Brian Sullivan, Carol Lange, Leo Furcht, Lance Laing
Figure S2. The MEK/ERK pathway does not significantly contribute to the ligand-driven HER2 signaling activities detected by CELx HSF tests. SKBr3 cells were seeded in sensor plates and then treated with a serial titration of the MEK/ERK pathway inhibitor trametinib (0 nM to 2700 nM) two hours prior to maximal stimulation with NRG1b (800 pM) (A) or EGF (600 pM) (B). CELx curves are displayed using Delta CI values to demonstrate the relative signals to the time point (arrow) when the stimulus (EGF or NRG1b) was added. No trametinib dose-dependent inhibition on NRG1b or EGF-driven HER2 signals was detected (insets). (PDF 107 kb)
