Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Amino acid permease 3 (aap3) coding sequence as a target for Leishmania identification and diagnosis of leishmaniases using high resolution melting analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-16, 05:00 authored by Karl MĂźller, Ricardo Zampieri, Juliana Aoki, Sandra Muxel, Audun Nerland, Lucile Floeter-Winter
Alignment of nucleotide sequences of aap3 coding regions and primer localization. The underlined sequences indicate the position of the primers used and the grey boxes represent the variable regions found among the Leishmania strains based on in silico analysis. The numbers at the top of each amplicon are based on the position of the nucleotides in relation to the whole coding sequence in L. (L.) amazonensis. (DOCX 21 kb)


Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
