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Additional file 3: Table S1. of Structure formats of randomised controlled trial abstracts: a cross-sectional analysis of their current usage and association with methodology reporting

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-10, 05:00 authored by Fang Hua, Tanya Walsh, Anne-Marie Glenny, Helen Worthington
Abstracts of RCTs published in top-50 journals in the ‘Medicine, General and Internal’ category during July–December 2015 - Characteristics by structure format. Table S2. Abstracts of RCTs published in top-50 journals in the ‘Medicine, General and Internal’ category during July–December 2015 - Characteristics by type of journal. Table S3. Usage frequency of each heading term among identified RCTs with structured abstracts (n = 324). Table S4. Most frequent (>2%) patterns of heading term combinations among identified RCTs with structured abstracts (n = 324). Table S5. Characteristics of abstracts included for reporting quality assessment. Table S6. Association between quality of methodology reporting, structure formats and potential confounders - Univariable and multivariable linear regression derived coefficients (B) and 95% CIs, with overall quality score (OQS) as the dependent variable (n = 341). Table S7. Association between quality of methodology reporting, structure formats and potential confounders - Sensitivity analysis testing the definition for HS format - Univariable and multivariable linear regression derived coefficients (B) and 95% CIs, with overall quality score (OQS) as the dependent variable (n = 341). Table S8. Association between quality of methodology reporting, structure formats and potential confounders - Sensitivity analysis testing the definition used for HS format - Univariable and multivariable generalised estimation equation (GEE) derived coefficients (B) and 95% confidence intervals, with overall quality score (OQS) as the dependent variable and journal as the grouping factor (n = 341 from 33 journals). (DOCX 54 kb)
