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Additional file 3: Figure S3. of Effect of a synbiotic on the response to seasonal influenza vaccination is strongly influenced by degree of immunosenescence

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-03-15, 05:00 authored by Agnieszka Przemska-Kosicka, Caroline Childs, Sumia Enani, Catherine Maidens, Honglin Dong, Iman Dayel, Kieran Tuohy, Susan Todd, Margot Gosney, Parveen Yaqoob
Effect of B. longum + Gl-OS on numbers of bifidobacteria in seroconverters vs non converters. Data are mean ± 2SEM for n = 18 seroconverters (to all three subunits) and n = 135 non-converters in the placebo group and n = 14 seroconverters and n = 36 nonconverters in the B. longum + GlOS group. Trend for greater increase in bifidobacteria in seroconverters compared with non-converters in the B. longum + GlOS group (p = 0.057). (DOCX 26 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
