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Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Diversity in boron toxicity tolerance of Australian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-09-26, 05:00 authored by Julie Hayes, Margaret Pallotta, Melissa Garcia, Mehmet Öz, Jay Rongala, Tim Sutton
The Haruna Nijo variant of HvBot1 is non-functional. (a) Growth of yeast expressing HvBot1 alleles relative to either an empty vector control (top two plates only) or clones expressing the Sahara HvBot1 allele, on low B media (left) or at high B (right). Three independent clones for each allele were cultured on each plate; clones are positioned vertically and spots across the plates represent 10 L of 10−0, 10−1, 10−2 and 10−3 dilutions from a starting culture containing approximately 3 × 107 cells L−1. Photographs were taken after 2 d (low B) or 4 d (20 mM B) incubation at 30 °C. With the exception of the Haruna Nijo allele, all variants conferred a similar level of tolerance to high B in yeast to the Sahara HvBot1 allele. (b) Concentration of B in roots of barley seedlings (cvs. Clipper, Haruna Nijo, Amagi Nijo and Sahara) grown for 11 days in hydroponics supplemented with 3 mM B (N = 5, ± sd). The genotypes Haruna Nijo and Amagi Nijo carry the non-functional Haruna Nijo HvBot1 allele at the 4H B tolerance QTL (PDF 369 kb)
