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Additional file 3: Figure S2. of De novo assembly of the complex genome of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis using MinION long reads

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-11, 05:00 authored by David Eccles, Jodie Chandler, Mali Camberis, Bernard Henrissat, Sergey Koren, Graham Le Gros, Jonathan Ewbank
Potential orthologs of missing USCOs. a Venn diagram showing the overlap for USCOs flagged as missing in the analysis of three genome assemblies (Uncorrected (Canu only), Nanopolish and Trinity [genome-guided]; see Table 3). Among the 34 common missing USCOs listed here, several have credible orthologs in the assembled genomes. (B-E) Examples of two putative orthologs for “missing” USCOs, showing the dot matrix view of an NCBI tblastn-2sequences search between the indicated USCO and region of a contig from the Trinity [genome-guided] assembly (b,d) and the sequence alignment, generated using Muscle, with the predicted N. brasiliensis protein sequence extracted from the tblastn alignment (c,e). For both N. brasiliensis sequences, note the presence of stop codons (*) in the sequence; these will confound BUSCO analysis. (PDF 398 kb)


Health Research Council of New Zealand
