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Additional file 3: Figure S2. of ADMP controls the size of Spemann's organizer through a network of self-regulating expansion-restriction signals

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-22, 05:00 authored by Avi Leibovich, Hadas Kot-Leibovich, Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod
Robustness of the organizer induction domain to several parameters, and dynamics of elements in the model. (A–C) Heat maps for ALK2 occupancy (A), ALK1 occupancy (B), and levels of ADMP (C). X axis denotes position along the dorsoventral axis, Y axis denotes time, tsteady is the time when steady state organizer induction is achieved in the dual receptor model. Note that despite the finding that the organizer induction domain is in steady state, ALK1 and ALK2 occupancy, as well as levels of ADMP, are not in steady state. (D–F) Robustness of the organizer induction domain with respect to the ADMP-ALK2 binding rate (D), ADMP-ALK1 binding rate (E), and receptor recycling rate (F). Organizer domain is relative to its size in the reference data set. In the reference data set, ADMP-ALK2 and ADMP-ALK1 binding rate are 0.1 nM–1 s–1, and receptor recycling rate is 10–3 s–1. (PDF 432 kb)


US-Israel Binational Science Foundation
