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Additional file 2 of Investigating causal relations between sleep duration and risks of adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: linear and nonlinear Mendelian randomization analyses

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-09-12, 03:08 authored by Qian Yang, Maria C. Magnus, Fanny Kilpi, Gillian Santorelli, Ana Gonçalves Soares, Jane West, Per Magnus, John Wright, Siri Eldevik Håberg, Eleanor Sanderson, Deborah A. Lawlor, Kate Tilling, Maria Carolina Borges
Additional file 2: Text S1. Descriptions of each cohort. Text S2. Technical considerations of one-sample MR to explore potential nonlinear effects. Fig S1. Flow chart. Fig S2. Histogram of residual sleep duration in UKB women. Fig S3. One-sample MR estimates of effects of sleep duration on the outcomes in UKB women. Fig S4. Associations of 78 SNPs with the outcomes with versus without adjustments of fetal genotypes. Fig S5. Leave-one-out analyses in UKB (datasets A on B). Fig S6. Leave-one-out analyses in UKB (datasets B on A). Fig S7. Leave-one-out analyses in other cohorts. Fig S8. Two-sample MR associations of sleep duration with the outcomes using IVW. Fig S9. Comparing MVreg associations of sleep duration categories with odds of low/high birthweight using different outcome comparison groups.


China Scholarship Council Medical Research Council National Institutes of Health British Heart Foundation European Research Council Norges Forskningsråd Horizon 2020 National Institute for Health Research Wellcome Trust FP7 Ideas: European Research Council Wellcome Trust National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care Yorkshire and Humber


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