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Additional file 2 of Genomic organization and evolution of the Atlantic salmon hemoglobin repertoire

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-16, 12:07 authored by Nicole L Quinn, Keith A Boroevich, Krzysztof P Lubieniecki, William Chow, Evelyn A Davidson, Ruth B Phillips, Ben F Koop, William S Davidson
Additional file 2: Table S2A-C: Identified Atlantic salmon putatively functional and pseudogenized hemoglobin genes. S2A) Identified putatively functional Atlantic salmon α hemoglobin genes with chromosome, sequence contig number and approximate location (kb), strand of transcription, most highly similar Atlantic salmon EST cluster (if any), whether the gene has a corresponding full-length EST, whether the gene matches any of the previously published Atlantic salmon hemoglobin genes at the amino acid level and whether the gene is identical to any of those identified on the other Atlantic salmon chromosome. S2B) Identified putatively functional Atlantic salmon β hemoglobin genes with chromosome, sequence contig number and approximate location (kb), strand of transcription, most highly similar Atlantic salmon EST cluster (if any), whether the gene has a corresponding full-length EST, whether the gene matches any of the previously identified Atlantic salmon hemoglobin genes at the amino acid level, whether the gene is identical to any of those identified on the other Atlantic salmon chromosome, and whether the β hemoglobin gene possesses the hallmarks of lacking the Bohr effect. S2C) Putatively identified Atlantic salmon hemoglobin pseudogenes with chromosome, sequence contig, location (kb), direction and descriptions of each exon. (PDF 46 KB)


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