Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Engineered recombinant protein products of the avian paramyxovirus type-1 nucleocapsid and phosphoprotein genes for serological diagnosis

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-11, 05:00 authored by Na Zhao, Christian Grund, Martin Beer, Timm Harder
Identity and similarity of the C-terminus of the nucleocapsid protein of avian paramyxoviruses. Provides a similarity matrix of the C-terminus of the NP protein of avian parmayxoviruses. Protein sequences were retrieved from GenBank, aligned with MAFFT [51], trimmed with Jalview [52] and analysed using MatGat [53]. Alignment started from Identity values upper right, similarity lower left matrix. Values greater 65% are greyed.(DOCX 20 kb)


Chinese Scholarship Council
