Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Dynamics of nuclear receptor gene expression during Pacific oyster development

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-09-29, 05:00 authored by Susanne Vogeler, Tim Bean, Brett Lyons, Tamara Galloway
Principle component analysis (PCA) of 31 Crassostrea gigas nuclear receptor gene expression data across developmental and adult life stages. Scatterplot of the first two PCA components of developmental stages including adult life stages indicating separation of all life stages based upon the variance observed in the expression levels of 31 of the 34 nuclear receptor genes. Principal component 1 (PC1) and 2 (PC2) explain 36 and 25 % of variance, respectively Circles around measurements and colours of measurements representing distinct clustering for all life stages or nuclear receptors: early development (green numbers + letters, black solid line), mid development (red numbers + letters, black dotted lines), late development (blue numbers + letters, black dashed line), adult life stages (yellow letters, grey dashed lines). h: hour post fertilisation; d: days post fertilisation; E: unfertilised eggs; F: female; M: male. (DOC 196 kb)


University of Exeter
