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Additional file 2 of Differential chemokine alteration in the variants of primary progressive aphasia—a role for neuroinflammation

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-04, 03:09 authored by Aitana Sogorb-Esteve, Imogen J. Swift, Ione O. C. Woollacott, Jason D. Warren, Henrik Zetterberg, Jonathan D. Rohrer
Additional file 2: Supplementary Table 1. Spearman correlation coefficients and p-values comparing chemokines with age at CSF collection within the control group. Supplementary Table 2. Mean (standard deviation) normalized protein expression values for the chemokines in controls and each of PPA groups in CSF. Mean differences between the PPA groups and controls along with 95% confidence intervals and p values (significant in bold) are shown underneath. N/A = not assessed >80% values were below the lower limit of detection. Supplementary Table 3. Mean (standard deviation) normalized protein expression values for the chemokines in controls and each of PPA groups in plasma. Mean differences between the PPA groups and controls along with 95% confidence intervals and p values (significant in bold) are shown underneath. N/A = not assessed >80% values were below the lower limit of detection.


Medical Research Council
