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Additional file 2 of Clinical added value of MRI to CT in patients scheduled for local therapy of colorectal liver metastases (CAMINO): study protocol for an international multicentre prospective diagnostic accuracy study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-19, 03:32 authored by B. Görgec, I. Hansen, G. Kemmerich, T. Syversveen, M. Abu Hilal, E. J. T. Belt, R. H. C. Bisschops, T. L. Bollen, K. Bosscha, M. C. Burgmans, V. Cappendijk, M. T. De Boer, M. D’Hondt, B. Edwin, H. Gielkens, D. J. Grünhagen, P. Gillardin, P. D. Gobardhan, H. H. Hartgrink, K. Horsthuis, N. F. M. Kok, P. A. M. Kint, J. W. H. Kruimer, W. K. G. Leclercq, D. J. Lips, B. Lutin, M. Maas, H. A. Marsman, M. Morone, J. P. Pennings, J. Peringa, W. W. Te Riele, M. Vermaas, D. Wicherts, F. E. J. A. Willemssen, B. M. Zonderhuis, P. M. M. Bossuyt, R. J. Swijnenburg, Å. A. Fretland, C. Verhoef, M. G. Besselink, J. Stoker
Additional file 2. Imaging Protocols of The Radiological Society of the Netherlands


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