Springer Nature
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Additional file 2 of Carnosine quenches the reactive carbonyl acrolein in the central nervous system and attenuates autoimmune neuroinflammation

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-06, 04:17 authored by Jan Spaas, Wouter M. A. Franssen, Charly Keytsman, Laura Blancquaert, Tim Vanmierlo, Jeroen Bogie, Bieke Broux, Niels Hellings, Jack van Horssen, Dheeraj Kumar Posa, David Hoetker, Shahid P. Baba, Wim Derave, Bert O. Eijnde
Additional file 2: Table S2. Oral carnosine treatment attenuates clinical disability in a monophasic rat EAE model.


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