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Additional file 2 of Association between combination antibiotic therapy as opposed as monotherapy and outcomes of ICU patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa ventilator-associated pneumonia: an ancillary study of the iDIAPASON trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-31, 03:27 authored by Arnaud Foucrier, Thomas Dessalle, Sophie Tuffet, Laura Federici, Claire Dahyot‑Fizelier, François Barbier, Julien Pottecher, Antoine Monsel, Tarik Hissem, Jean‑Yves Lefrant, Alexandre Demoule, Jean‑Michel Constantin, Alexandra Rousseau, Tabassome Simon, Marc Leone, Adrien Bouglé
Additional file 2. Table S2: Summary of the results of the comparative analyses between adapted monotherapy and combination therapy.
