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Additional file 2: of A GWAS on Helicobacter pylori strains points to genetic variants associated with gastric cancer risk

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-08-02, 05:00 authored by Elvire Berthenet, Koji Yahara, Kaisa Thorell, Ben Pascoe, Guillaume Meric, Jane Mikhail, Lars Engstrand, Helena Enroth, Alain Burette, Francis Megraud, Christine Varon, John Atherton, Sinead Smith, Thomas Wilkinson, Matthew Hitchings, Daniel Falush, Samuel Sheppard
Figure S2. Distribution of the GWAS hits in the 4 accessory genes used in calculation of a risk score. All the hits with a p value < 0.05 are represented in the figure. Positions are based on the ELS37 genome (GCA_000255955.1). (PDF 93 kb)
