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Additional file 2: Table S1. of Health care professionals’ attitudes towards population-based genetic testing and risk-stratification for ovarian cancer: a cross-sectional survey

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-16, 05:00 authored by Katie Hann, Lindsay Fraser, Lucy Side, Sue Gessler, Jo Waller, Saskia Sanderson, Madeleine Freeman, Ian Jacobs, Anne Lanceley
Comparisons between healthcare specialists’ ovarian cancer and genetics knowledge and self-efficacy to conduct a cancer risk consultation. Table S2. Comparisons between healthcare specialists willingness to offer all adult female patients genetic testing for ovarian cancer risk. Table S3. Willingness to discuss risk stratified interventions with patients. Table S4. Reasons for lack of willingness to discuss suggested interventions. Table S5. Reasons for lack of willingness to discuss suggested interventions (DOCX 31 kb)


Cancer Research UK
