Springer Nature
13287_2016_467_MOESM2_ESM.doc (42.5 kB)

Additional file 2: Table S1. of GMP-conformant on-site manufacturing of a CD133+ stem cell product for cardiovascular regeneration

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-02-10, 05:00 authored by Anna Skorska, Paula Müller, Ralf Gaebel, Jana Große, Heiko Lemcke, Cornelia Lux, Manuela Bastian, Frauke Hausburg, Nicole Zarniko, Sandra Bubritzki, Ulrike Ruch, Gudrun Tiedemann, Robert David, Gustav Steinhoff
Overview of data obtained from CliniMACS® Prodigy BM-133 System validation process (a) and product quality review (PQR) (b). Volumes of samples were ascertained by visual control (bone marrow (BM)) or by weighing (cell product (CP), non-target cell bag (NTCB), waste bag (WB)). Total numbers of viable CD45+ and CD133+ cells were calculated by multiplying absolute cell numbers per volume unit with corresponding volumes. The frequencies of viable CD133+ cells were measured by flow cytometry in accordance with ISHAGE guidelines. (DOC 42 kb)


Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany
