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Additional file 2 Figure S1. of Decreased expression levels of Ifi genes is associated to the increased resistance to spontaneous arthritis disease in mice deficiency of IL-1RA

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-08-02, 05:00 authored by Xiaoyun Liu, Yan Jiao, Yanhong Cao, Nan Deng, Yonghui Ma, Karen Hasty, Andrew Kang, Hong Chen, John Stuart, Weikuan Gu
Network of known arthritis relevant up and down regulated genes when congenics vs DBA/1 wild type. The 138 nodes in the graph below show the selected traits. Only nodes with edges are displayed. The 167 edges between the nodes, filtered from the 9453 total edges and drawn as lines, show Pearson correlation coefficients greater than 0.75 or less than -0.75. The graph’s canvas is 40.0 by 40.0 cm, and the node labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font, and the edge labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font. Figure S2 Network of known arthritis relevant up and down regulated genes when congenics vs DBA-/-. The 101 nodes in the graph below show the selected traits. Only nodes with edges are displayed. The 38 edges between the nodes, filtered from the 5050 total edges and drawn as lines, show Pearson correlation coefficients greater than 0.75 or less than -0.75. The graph’s canvas is 40.0 by 40.0 cm, and the node labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font, and the edge labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font. Figure S3 Network of known arthritis relevant up and down regulated genes when congenics are compared to BALB/c wild type. The 92 nodes in the graph below show the selected traits. Only nodes with edges are displayed. The 40 edges between the nodes, filtered from the 4186 total edges and drawn as lines, show Pearson correlation coefficients greater than 0.75 or less than -0.75. The graph’s canvas is 40.0 by 40.0 cm, and the node labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font, and the edge labels are drawn with a 16.0 point font. (DOCX 71 kb)


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
