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Additional file 2: Figure S1. of A reverse genetics system for avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus based on targeted RNA recombination

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-06-12, 05:00 authored by Steven van Beurden, Alinda Berends, Annika Krämer-Kühl, Dieuwertje Spekreijse, Gilles Chénard, Hans-Christian Philipp, Egbert Mundt, Peter Rottier, M. Hélène Verheije
Alignment of 3′ 9 kb of mIBV and rIBV-wt with IBV H52 BI. Alignment of the 3′ 9 kb of mIBV 1B3IIA P6 (excluding the MHV derived spike ectodomain sequence) and recombinant (r)IBV wild-type (wt) P4 with IBV H52 BI. Numbers refer to nucleotide positions in the IBV H52 BI genome. Restriction enzyme sites are highlighted in yellow, with the corresponding enzyme indicated above the sequences. An additional thymidine residue to keep the MHV spike gene ectodomain sequence in frame with the IBV spike gene signal sequence at position 20,385 is highlighted in green and marked with a # above the sequence. A spontaneous T to C silent substitution in the spike of rIBV-wt at position 22,644 is highlighted in red. (DOCX 41 kb)


Boehringer Ingelheim (DE)
