Springer Nature
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Additional file 20 of The mitochondrially-localized nucleoside diphosphate kinase D (NME4) is a novel metastasis suppressor

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-22, 04:02 authored by Marie-Lise Lacombe, Frederic Lamarche, Olivier De Wever, Teresita Padilla-Benavides, Alyssa Carlson, Imran Khan, Anda Huna, Sophie Vacher, Claire Calmel, Céline Desbourdes, Cécile Cottet-Rousselle, Isabelle Hininger-Favier, Stéphane Attia, Béatrice Nawrocki-Raby, Joël Raingeaud, Christelle Machon, Jérôme Guitton, Morgane Le Gall, Guilhem Clary, Cedric Broussard, Philippe Chafey, Patrice Thérond, David Bernard, Eric Fontaine, Malgorzata Tokarska-Schlattner, Patricia Steeg, Ivan Bièche, Uwe Schlattner, Mathieu Boissan
Additional file 20: Table S3. Characteristics of the 526 human breast tumor cohort.


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