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Additional file 1 of Wildfire yields a distinct turnover of the beetle community in a semi-natural pine forest in northern Sweden

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-08-26, 03:45 authored by Emelie Fredriksson, Roger Mugerwa Pettersson, Jörgen Naalisvaara, Therese Löfroth
Additional file 1 Table S1: Output values from the compositional analysis (PERMANOVA) and permutation test (betadisper) when comparing the different functional groups' changes among the years after the wildfire. Note the “*” following the significant value from the permutation test for cambivores. Table S2: Significant species among the years reported in order of highest Index-value from the species indicator analysis. Functional group (FG, C – cambivore, D - detrivore, F – fungivore, P – predator, W – wood-boring) and fire category (I = fire favored, II = strongly fire favored, III = fire-dependent) of the significant species with an indicator index of at least 0.6. Red list status indicated in brackets after the Latin name of the species. Star (*) indicate species that, in contrast to the other species, are non-saproxylic. Question mark (?) indicates uncertainty for that species association to the nutritional group. Table S3. Complete species list. Abundance per year and total. Functional groups: Saproxylic (SxO = obligate saproxylic, SxF = facultative saproxylic, NS = non-saproxylic), Red-list status (LC = least concern, NT = near threatened, VU = endangered, DD/NA/NE = data deficiency/not evaluated), Fire category (I = fire favoured, II = strongly fire favoured, III = fire dependent), Nutrition = (C = cambium consumer, F = fungivore, W = wood-boring, P = predator, D = detrivore, H = herbivore, ‘?’ = insufficient knowledge)


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