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Additional file 1 of Volatiles of symbiotic bacterial origin explain ectoparasitism and fledging success of hoopoes

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-10, 03:41 authored by Mónica Mazorra-Alonso, Juan Manuel Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Martín-Vivaldi, Manuel Martínez-Bueno, Rafael Núñez Gómez, Juan José Soler
Additional file 1. Table S1. Number of experimental (with autoclaved nest material), control (with non-autoclaved nest material) and natural (with old nest material) hoopoe nests with information of bacterial community, volatile profiles and parasitism at different nestling stages (day of sampling: days (d) after the first egg hatched). Bacterial and volatile samples were collected from the nest environment [nest material (Nest Mat) or nest air (Nest-box) and from the uropygial gland (secretion) of females and nestlings. Table S2. General Lineal Models exploring the effect of autoclaving nest material on Shannon (Sh) and Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (Pd) indexes of bacterial communities and volatile profiles at different nesting stages and nest locations. We show least square means (SE) for control and experimental (Exp) treatments, and for different study years, and beta (SE) values of the associations with laying date. Statistical effects lower than 0.05 are in bold. Table S3. General Lineal Models exploring the effect of using new nest boxes (i.e., Natural vs Control) on Shannon (Sh) and (Pd) alpha diversity indexes of bacterial communities and volatile profiles at different nesting stages and nest locations. We show least square means (SE) for control and experimental (Exp) treatments, and for different study years, and beta (SE) values of the associations with laying date. Statistical effects lower than 0.05 are in bold. Table S6. Multiple regression exploring the effect of the first six PC axes of the bacterial community on each of the first four PC axis of the volatile profile for the same type of sample. PC factor were calculated after varimax normalized rotation. Each PC-axis was named by a composition of letters that indicate the type of samples. The first letter indicates whether the sample corresponds to bacteria (B) or volatiles (V), the second letter indicates whether the sample is from secretions of females (SF), nestlings (SN) or nest material (M). Finally, for types of samples that were collected at the beginning (1) and at the end (2) of the nestling period, the name finished with a number. Table S7. Results of PCA analyses summarizing bacterial genera, family and order, and volatiles detected in the nest material and the uropygial secretion of female and nestling hoopoes. Values are PC factor loadings after varimax normalized rotated and in their nest material or nest boxes. Each PC-axis was named by a composition of letters that indicate the type of samples. The first letter indicates whether the sample corresponds to bacteria (B) or volatiles (V), the second letter indicates whether the sample is from secretions of females (SF), nestlings (SN) or nest material (M). Finally, for types of samples that were collected at the beginning (1) and at the end (2) of the nestling period, the name finished with a number. Only factors than entered in final models explaining the association between bacterial and volatile profiles are shown. The six bacteria/volatile that better explained (positively and negatively) each axis are shown. Table S8. Multiple regression exploring the effect of the first four PC axes of the volatile profile of nestling and adult females on each of the first four PC axis of the volatile profile of the nest. PC factor were calculated after varimax normalized rotation. Each PC-axis was named by a composition of letters that indicate the type of samples. The first letter indicates corresponds to volatile samples (V), the second letter indicates whether the sample is from secretions of females (SF), nestlings (SN) or nest material (M). Finally, for types of samples that were collected at the beginning (1) and at the end (2) of the nestling period, the name finished with a number. Table S9. Results of PCA analyses summarizing volatiles detected in the nest material and the uropygial secretion of female and nestling hoopoes. Values are PC factor loadings after varimax normalized rotated and in their nest material or nest boxes. Each PC-axis was named by a composition of letters that indicate the type of samples. The first letter indicates whether the sample corresponds to bacteria (B) or volatiles (V), the second letter indicates whether the sample is from secretions of females (SF), nestlings (SN) or nest material (M). Finally, for types of samples that were collected at the beginning (1) and at the end (2) of the nestling period, the name finished with a number. Only factors than entered in final models explaining the association between volatile profiles of secretions and nest-box environment are shown. Table S10. Results of PCA analyses summarizing bacterial genera (if unknown we use family or order) and volatiles detected in the nest material and the uropygial secretion of female and nestling hoopoes that explained parasitism and fledging success. Values are PC factor loadings after varimax normalized rotated and in their nest material or nest boxes. Each PC-axis was named by a composition of letters that indicate the type of samples. The first letter indicates whether the sample corresponds to bacteria (B) or volatiles (V), the second letter indicates whether the sample is from secretions of females (SF), nestlings (SN) or nest material (M). Finally, for types of samples that were collected at the beginning (1) and at the end (2) of the nestling period, the name finished with a number. Only factors than entered in final models explaining the intensity of ecto-parasitism in females and nestlings and the fledging success are shown. N MAT refers to nest material and SECR to uropygial secretion.


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