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Additional file 1: of Virus-triggered exacerbation in allergic asthmatic children: neutrophilic airway inflammation and alteration of virus sensors characterize a subgroup of patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-11-14, 05:00 authored by Antoine Deschildre, Muriel Pichavant, Ilka Engelmann, Carole Langlois, Elodie Drumez, Guillaume Pouessel, Sophie Boileau, David Romero-Cubero, Irina Decleyre-Badiu, Anny Dewilde, Didier Hober, Véronique Néve, Caroline Thumerelle, Stéphanie Lejeune, Clémence Mordacq, Philippe Gosset
Gating strategy for the analysis of conventionnal and plasmacytoid dendritic cell (cDC and pDC, respectively) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from asthmatic children. (PDF 300 kb)


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