Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Viable phenotype of ILNEB syndrome without nephrotic impairment in siblings heterozygous for unreported integrin alpha3 mutations

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-10-07, 05:00 authored by Elisa Colombo, Luigina Spaccini, Ludovica Volpi, Gloria Negri, Davide Cittaro, Dejan Lazarevic, Salvatore Zirpoli, Andrea Farolfi, Cristina Gervasini, Maria Cubellis, Lidia Larizza
Predictions of the effects of ITGA3 mutation. In this supplementary table we summarize the predictions of the effects of the two ITGA3 mutations, c.373G >A and c.821G >A, obtained applying different bioinformatic tools. (PDF 117 kb)


Progetto accordo quadro Regione Lombardia-Università lombarde
