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Additional file 1: of Validity of an online 24-h recall tool (myfood24) for dietary assessment in population studies: comparison with biomarkers and standard interviews

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-08-09, 05:00 authored by Petra Wark, Laura Hardie, Gary Frost, Nisreen Alwan, Michelle Carter, Paul Elliott, Heather Ford, Neil Hancock, Michelle Morris, Umme Mulla, Essra Noorwali, K. Petropoulou, David Murphy, Gregory Potter, Elio Riboli, Darren Greenwood, Janet Cade
Table S1. Measurement error structure for protein, potassium, sodium and total sugar intake and density as assessed by myfood24 and interviewer-based 24-h recall. Table S2. Attenuation factors and correlation between dietary assessment tool and true intake for protein, potassium, sodium and total sugar intake as assessed by myfood24 for different numbers of repeat administrations of the tool. Table S3. Attenuation factors and correlation between dietary assessment tool and true intake for protein, potassium, sodium and total sugar intake and density as assessed by myfood24 and interviewer-based 24-h recall by sex. Table S4. Attenuation factors and correlation between dietary assessment tool and true intake for protein, potassium, sodium and total sugar intake and density as assessed by myfood24 and interviewer-based 24-h recall by age group. (DOCX 27 kb)


Medical Research Council
