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Additional file 1 of Validation of the Health Assessment Tool (HAT) based on four aging cohorts from the Swedish National study on Aging and Care

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-11, 04:01 authored by Ahmad Abbadi, Emmanouil Kokoroskos, Matthew Stamets, Davide L. Vetrano, Nicola Orsini, Sölve Elmståhl, Cecilia Fagerström, Anders Wimo, Anders Sköldunger, Johan Sanmartin Berglund, Christina B. Olsson, Caroline Wachtler, Laura Fratiglioni, Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga
Additional file 1: Document S1, Tables S1–S9, Figures S1–S4. Document S1 Calculation of HAT scores, Table S1 Baseline characteristics of the study population across SNAC sites stratified by sex, Table S2 Baseline characteristics of the study population across SNAC sites stratified by age, Table S3 Individual health indicator cut-off points, Table S4 Most frequent health indicator categories by HAT score in SNAC-K, Table S5 Most frequent health indicator categories by HAT score in SNAC-B, Table S6 Most frequent health indicator categories by HAT score in SNAC-GÅS, Table S7 Most frequent health indicator categories by HAT score in SNAC-N, Table S8 Most frequent health indicator categories by HAT score in harmonized dataset, Figure S1 Test information function, Figure S2 Individual and meta-analyzed predictive capacity of the HAT across all SNAC sites except for SNAC-B, Table S9 Predictive capacity of the HAT, Figure S3 HAT-based geriatric charts and risk of 5-year mortality, Figure S4 Reliability plots.


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