Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Validating the accuracy of real-time phase-contrast MRI and quantifying the effects of free breathing on cerebrospinal fluid dynamics

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-08, 06:00 authored by Pan Liu, Kimi Owashi, Heimiri Monnier, Serge Metanbou, Cyrille Capel, Olivier Balédent
Supplementary Material 1: Figure 1. Flowchart for selecting stationary tissues in the background field correction algorithm; Figure 2. CSF Qt data analysis for participant 22 at the C2-C3 level and prepontine cistern (PPC); Figure 3. Comparative analysis of cerebral blood flow (Qt-CBF) and CSF flow curves (Qt-CSF) for participant 22


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
