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Additional file 1 of VEGF pathway inhibition potentiates PARP inhibitor efficacy in ovarian cancer independent of BRCA status

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-07, 04:18 authored by Francesca Bizzaro, Ilaria Fuso Nerini, Molly A. Taylor, Alessia Anastasia, Massimo Russo, Giovanna Damia, Federica Guffanti, Francesca Guana, Paola Ostano, Lucia Minoli, Maureen M. Hattersley, Stephanie Arnold, Antonio Ramos-Montoya, Stuart C. Williamson, Alessandro Galbiati, Jelena Urosevic, Elisabetta Leo, Ugo Cavallaro, Carmen Ghilardi, Simon T. Barry, Maria Rosa Bani, Raffaella Giavazzi
Additional file 1. Supplementary Figure S1. Characteristics of the OC-PDXs used for drug efficacy testing. Supplementary Figure S2. Haploinsufficiency of the BRCA2 mutation in MNHOC182 and MNHOC18. Supplementary Figure S3. Transcriptional status of key genes in OC-PDXs and BRCA1 promoter methylation. Supplementary Figure S4. Antitumor activity of the olaparib and cediranib combination therapy at 8 weeks of treatment. Supplementary Figure S5. Cediranib reduced MNOC124 tumour associated vasculature but did not affect the expression of HRR genes. Supplementary Figure S6. Rapid and prolonged tumour response by the combination olaparib and cediranib in platinum-sensitive and olaparib-sensitive OC-PDXs. Supplementary Figure S7. Reduction of tumour associated vasculature by cediranib in the OC-PDXs cohort used for drug efficacy testing. Supplementary Figure S8. Hypoxia does not trigger the downregulation of HRR in ovarian cancer cell lines. Supplementary Figure S9. RAD51 downregulation is not related to PDGFRB pathway. Supplementary Figure S10. The combination olaparib and cediranib demonstrated greater efficacy than either monotherapy in OV2022 tumours: no therapy-induced changes in HRR genes could be detected. Supplementary Figure S11. No common changes in gene expression by cediranib treatment were identified in OC-PDXs that benefit from the combination therapy. Supplementary Figure S12. Survival advantage is lost upon treatment interruption. Supplementary Table S1. List of genes analysed by Fluidigm high-throughput gene expression analysis.


associazione italiana per la ricerca sul cancro
