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Additional file 1 of Trends and projections of kidney cancer incidence at the global and national levels, 1990–2030: a Bayesian age-period-cohort modeling study

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-14, 03:39 authored by Zhebin Du, Wei Chen, Qier Xia, Oumin Shi, Qi Chen
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The prediction error rate of five models based on data from Brazil, France, Indonesia, USA, and Vietnam. Figure S2. The predictions of kidney cancer incidence based on GBD data and IARC data (CI5 plus database). (IARC data: Australia, 1993–2012; Spain, 1993–2010; France, 1998–2010; Italy, 1998–2010; USA, 1990–2012). The blue triangles were point estimates of kidney cancer incidence based on CI5p data. The white open dots were point estimates of kidney cancer incidence based on GBD data.
