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Additional file 1 of Treatment provision for adults with ADHD during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study on patient and therapist experience with on-site sessions using face masks vs. telepsychiatric sessions

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-06, 03:40 authored by Helen Wyler, Michael Liebrenz, Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross, Erich Seifritz, Susan Young, Pascal Burger, Anna Buadze
Additional file 1: Table A. Overview of self-developed questions used in the study (German original wording and English translation). Table B. German Original Wording and English Translations of the Quotes Cited in the Publication. Table C Hierarchical Regression Results for SEQ Depth. Table D. Hierarchical Regression Results for SEQ Smoothness. Table E. Hierarchical Regression Results for SEQ Positivity. Table F. Hierarchical Regression Results for CSQ. Table G. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Bond (Patient). Table H. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Tasks (Patient). Table I. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Goals (Patient). Table J. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Bond Therapist. Table K. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Tasks Therapist. Table L. Hierarchical Regression Results for WAI Goals Therapist. Table M. Sensitivity Analyses: Adjusted Standardised Regression Coefficients for Face-to-Face vs. Telephone Modality.
