Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Therapeutic prediction of HIV-1 DNA decay: a multicenter longitudinal cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-23, 03:41 authored by Yongsong Yue, Yijia Li, Yizhi Cui, Nidan Wang, Yunda Huang, Wei Cao, Yang Han, Ting Zhu, Wei Lyu, Jing Xie, Xiaojing Song, Yanling Li, Tong Wang, Tuofu Zhu, Taisheng Li
Additional file 1: TableS1. Generalized Estimating Equation results of single factor/covariate.


National Science and Technology Major Project of China for the 13th Five-year Plan CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences Key Project for Research and Development of Guangdong province The 12th Five-Year Major New Drug Discovery Science and Technology
