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Additional file 1 of The moderating effect of mental health and health insurance ownership on the relationships between physical multimorbidity and healthcare utilisation and catastrophic health expenditure in India

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-04, 04:41 authored by Finja Berger, Kanya Anindya, Sanghamitra Pati, Shishirendu Ghosal, Stefanie Dreger, John Tayu Lee, Nawi Ng
Additional file 1: Table S1. Construction of variables from the LASI questionnaire. Table S2. Missing values per variable. Table S3. Number of variables with missing data per respondent. Table S4. Logistic regression models for healthcare utilisation. Table S5. Logistic regression models for the experience of catastrophic health expenditure. Table S6. Results of the Wald test between stratification groups for the estimates of the logistic regressions. Table S7. Predicted probabilities for healthcare utilisation and experience of catastrophic health expenditure.


University of Gothenburg
