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Additional file 1 of The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 transmission across 130 countries and territories

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-05, 04:44 authored by Yang Liu, Christian Morgenstern, James Kelly, Rachel Lowe, Mark Jit
Additional file 1. Table S1: Metadata on Policy Code in the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker. Table S2: Peak timing of stringency indices by region. Table S3: Results of hierarchical clustering of time-series using the any effort scenario. Table S4: Results of hierarchical clustering of time-series using the maximum effort scenario. Table S5: Lowest performance model fit by country. Table S6: Highest performance model fit by country. Table S7: Statistical interpretation worksheets. Table S8: Review of existing literature. Figure S1: The number of countries and regions with available data in the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker. Figure S2: The pair-wise scatter plot of NPI timing under the Any Effort Scenario. Figure S3: The pair-wise scatter plot of NPI timing under the Maximum Effort Scenario. Figure S4: Deviance from panel analyses using different temporal lags between effective reproduction number and policy interventions based on full time-series. Figure S5: Deviance from panel analyses using different temporal lags between effective reproduction number and policy interventions based on the truncated time-series. Figure S6: Univariable panel analyses – effect sizes. Figure S7: Univariable panel analyses – p-values. Figure S8: The sequential order of different NPIs under any effort scenario. Figure S9: The sequential order of different NPIs under maximum effort scenario. Figure S10: Hierarchical cluster analysis of NPIs time-series using the multilevel scenario. Figure S11: Effect sizes for each NPI from the selected models based on multilevel scenario.


National Institute for Health Research Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation European Commission Medical Research Council
