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Additional file 1 of The effect of the volemic and cardiac status on brain oxygenation in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage: a bi-center cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-17, 04:26 authored by Verena Rass, Elisa Gouvea Bogossian, Bogdan-Andrei Ianosi, Lorenzo Peluso, Mario Kofler, Anna Lindner, Alois J. Schiefecker, Lauma Putnina, Max Gaasch, Werner O. Hackl, Ronny Beer, Bettina Pfausler, Fabio Silvio Taccone, Raimund Helbok
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Institutional protocol to treat brain tissue hypoxia in IBK. Figure S2. Institutional protocol to treat brain tissue hypoxia in BRU. Table S1. Baseline characteristics, complications, and outcomes stratified by the two study sites. Table S2. Association between CI and PbtO2 (GEE model). Table S3. Changes of variables pre, during, and post fluid administration in a total of 198 infusions stratified by brain tissue hypoxia vs. normal brain tissue oxygenation at baseline. Table S4. Changes of variables pre, during, and post fluid administration in a total of 198 infusions stratified by CI responders and non-responders. Table S5. Changes of variables pre, during, and post fluid administration in a total of 198 infusions stratified by crystalloids vs colloids.
