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Additional file 1 of The UK Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and diet, physical activity, and sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from eight longitudinal population surveys

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-04-07, 08:05 authored by Bożena Wielgoszewska, Jane Maddock, Michael J. Green, Giorgio Di Gessa, Sam Parsons, Gareth J. Griffith, Jazz Croft, Anna J. Stevenson, Charlotte Booth, Richard J. Silverwood, David Bann, Praveetha Patalay, Alun D. Hughes, Nishi Chaturvedi, Laura D. Howe, Emla Fitzsimons, Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi, George B. Ploubidis
Additional file 1: Table S1. Description of Studies. Table S2. Ethics and data access statements for each study. Table S3. Sample characteristics by study. Table S4. Employment status change by gender, education, and age-group. Table S5. Meta-analysed risk ratios and heterogeneity estimates for associations between changes in employment status and fruit and vegetable consumption: unadjusted, basic & full adjustment results. Table S6. Meta-analysed risk ratios and heterogeneity estimates for associations between changes in employment status and physical activity: unadjusted, basic & full adjustment results. Table S7. Meta-analysed risk ratios and heterogeneity estimates for associations between changes in employment status and sleep: unadjusted, basic & full adjustment results. Figure S8. Causal pathways blocked under differing levels of adjustment.


Medical Research Council Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate Economic and Social Research Council


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