Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Targeted OUM1/PTPRZ1 silencing and synergetic CDT/enhanced chemical therapy toward uveal melanoma based on a dual-modal imaging-guided manganese metal–organic framework nanoparticles

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-11-07, 10:13 authored by Yue Li, Fang Li, Hui Pan, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yu, Xueru Liu, Qinghao Zhang, Caiwen Xiao, He Zhang, Leilei Zhang
Additional file1: Fig. S1. OUM1 knockdown impairs UM cell metastasis and proliferation. Fig. S2. GO and pathway function analysis. Fig. S3. Bioinformatics analysis of OUM1 targets. Fig. S4. PTPRZ1 might be a target of OUM1. Fig. S5. Synergistic effect of SOV and OUM1 interference on apoptosis. Fig. S6. In vivo toxicity evaluation. Table S1. Downregulated and Upregulated gene. Table S2. Primers and siRNA used in this study. Table S3. Primers used in RNA-ChIP assay. Details of the materials and methods of the MTT assay, native PAGE, tumor xenograft model in nude mice, subcellular localization of OUM1, immunoblotting, IHC, RNA extraction, reverse transcription and qRT–PCR, cell migration assay, OUM1 DNA amplification and purification, RACE assay, genome-wide cDNA array, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis, RNA chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, survival index for SOV, soft agar assay, and colony formation assay based on paraffin-fluorescence probe-FISH.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai “Rising Stars of Medical Talent” Youth Development Program, Youth Medical Talents-Specialist Program
