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Additional file 1 of TNFPred: identifying tumor necrosis factors using hybrid features based on word embeddings

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-10-22, 03:32 authored by Trinh-Trung-Duong Nguyen, Nguyen-Quoc-Khanh Le, Quang-Thai Ho, Dinh-Van Phan, Yu-Yen Ou
Additional file 1 Statistical test results. Table S1: F and F-critical values from F-test to test the null hypothesis that two datasets’ variances are equal in terms of single amino acid, dipeptide and tripeptide composition. Table S2: p-values from the unpaired student T-test on single amino acid composition on positive group (18 TNF sequences) and negative group (non-TNF sequences) with the assumption that the variance are equal. Table S3: Top 20 dipeptides with the lowest p-values from the unpaired student T-test on dipeptide composition on positive group (18 TNF sequences) and negative group (non-TNF sequences) with the assumption that the variance are equal. Table S4: Top 20 tripeptides with the lowest p-values from the unpaired student T-test on tripeptide composition on positive group (18 TNF sequences) and negative group (non-TNF sequences) with the assumption that the variance are equal.
